Home Solutions



Dec 24, 2024

Optical applications for the aerospace industry are diverse and have to meet highest requirements. A key challenge is the development of compact optical components and systems, to optimize space and weight restrictions. Whether for support in earth/climate observation, communications or navigation, performance, safety and reliability of optical components must be maintained at a consistently high level and also be reproducible.


Betensh Optics product portfolio for aerospace industry includes:

  • Best quality optics, compact optics, aspheres, freeforms
  • High-End Finishing (such as Angstrom-Polishing) for lowest roughness
  • Strong performance coatings for environment resistance
  • Design studies, for the most demanding optical and mechanical performance
  • Light-weight structures

Regarding the selection of a suitable material for aerospace markets, the main challenge is to react as flexibly as possible to application specifications. Thanks to a worldwide unique, software-based digital manufacturing environment for CNC grinding and polishing machines as well as ultra-precise machining, Betensh Optics is able to produce optics from a wide variety of materials. 








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Mon 11/21 - Wed 11/23: 9 AM - 8 PM
Thu 11/24: closed - Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri 11/25: 8 AM - 10 PM
Sat 11/26 - Sun 11/27: 10 AM - 9 PM
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Contact Us :sales@btsoptics.com



